ck building entrance
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ck building entrance
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Korda provided surveying and civil engineering for the Corna-Kokosing Construction Company Office Expansion. Included site development engineering services for the 10 acre site. The building and sitework were completed while the remainder of the office remained in operation. Site engineering services included earthwork, stormwater management, and site utilities. Stormwater management included an Extended Dry Detention Basin incorporating a Forebay, Micro-pool, and Low Flow Channel for water quantity and quality control in order to meet City of Columbus and OEPA regulations. Also included design for the relocation of a City of Columbus Shared Use Path and preparing new easement and easement vacation instruments through City of Columbus and Franklin County. Earthwork and grading schemes took full advantage of the building’s viewsheds along the I-270 Outerbelt, providing quality views both into and out of the building.

  • Site development for 10 acre site
  • Earthwork, stormwater management, and site utilities
  • Relocation of a City of Columbus Shared Use Path
  • Obtained permits for early site construction