The existing bridge built in 1964 is in generally poor condition and is functionally obsolete. Korda was retained to design a replacement structure over the Great Miami River and to widen the approach roadway between the structure and the intersection with County Route 25A. Widening will include a two way left turn lane providing access into the parks located north and south of Eldean Road. A new 260 foot long 3-span (80′; 100′; 80′) prestressed wide flange I beam bridge was designed to be on the same horizontal alignment. The roadway profile was maintained for flood capacity. The new bridge span will accommodate the future bikeway planned by the Parks District to provide connectivity to the areas trail system as well as the historic Eldean Road Covered Bridge located immediately downstream. Korda performed a hydraulic analysis to determine the optimum span arrangement and incorporated it into the feasibility study of likely bridge types.