Infection Control HVAC
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Infection Control HVAC
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The tertiary care hospital features 200 beds, with capacity for 68 additional beds. The building is connected to the existing ambulatory center with a pedestrian bridge. The Emergency Department is designed for 55,000 annual visits with expansion capability for a total of 68,000 visits. All patient rooms are single occupancy and 30 are “Super ICU” capable. The typical medical/surgical nursing units are in pods of 34 beds each and are acuity adaptable. The 24-room Intervention Center, located next to the surgery suite, is the principal location for short stay patients.

The project has many sustainable features. In order to reduce the potable water use, well water can provide make-up water for the condenser water system. The mechanical systems have variable air volume, variable speed pumping, variable speed cooling towers, variable speed chillers, air economizer, and high efficiency boiler burners to provide maximum energy efficiency. The 7.5 MW generator plant backs up both normal and essential power systems for the entire hospital and utilizes a 1,300 kVA rotary flywheel UPS system to provide ride through of all critical power serving ORs and imaging labs.

Infection Control allows certain areas of the hospital to convert from partially recirculating air-handling systems to 100% outside air systems with 100% exhaust to prevent infectious diseases from spreading to surrounding areas of the hospital. The heating and cooling coils within the air-handling units are slightly over-sized from their normal operating requirements to ensure that under the 100% outside air mode temperatures within the hospital are maintained. These units are also provided with ultraviolet lights and ionization, germicidal filters to kill and remove airborne viruses. In addition to this, differential pressure sensors are provided for the spaces to be maintained negatively pressurized compared against adjacent areas. This changeover requires a manual initiation of the preprogrammed sequence of operation.

  • 463,800 SF new tertiary care hospital
  • 130 kVA battery powered uninterruptible power system (UPS) with feeder distribution cabinets
  • three 700 ton centrifugal chillers with variable frequency drives
  • Engineering systems were designed to accommodate the next phase of expansion (a combined total area slightly in excess of 700,000 SF)