Mohawk Valley Health System

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Mohawk Valley Health System

This 10-story structure was designed using structural steel, concrete cores, and soil improvement systems. The concrete cores resist wind and seismic forces, and the soils improvement supports spread footings under the columns and mat foundations under the concrete cores. Korda’s proactive approach to the design provided a high confidence level of the cost of the structural systems. Through the use of state-of-the art 3D modeling, Korda modeled the entire building during SD, and provided accurate data with regard to the weight of steel, reinforcing bars, and amount of concrete for the cores.

Korda provided structural engineering services for this new hospital that is approximately 800,000 gross square feet.  The building scontain Operating Rooms, a pharmacy and over 400 patient beds.

  • New hospital
  • Reduced the design to Seismic Category A from the original Site Class D, Seismic Category C
  • Performed wind tunnel testing